
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alcohol Inks on Yupo Paper

Happy Easter Everyone!  I'm exploring once again some new art materials.

These are created using alcohol inks on Yupo Paper.  

It is fun to see the imagery you can create because you have no control over what the inks want to do.  It is amazing what can be created using only 3-4 colors.

These are my landscapes, and soon I will post my abstracts.  
This type of art is so much fun to create and the color is amazing in person.

Have a great weekend and try something new.  It is so rewarding.


  1. Hello Colleayn - just found your blog as I was googling Yupo paper. Your alcohol ink paintings are brilliant. I've used alcohol inks a lot but haven't come across Yupo paper before but understand it doesn't absorb moisture so you can move watercolours etc around before they evaporate. Could you share how you use the alcohol inks on Yupo please - I would be very interested. I have just bought some from Amazon and would very much like to try this out.

    Best wishes.


  2. Hi Karen, I learned from a DVD by June Rollins. A great group to join to learn more is I'm still learning and experimenting. Every piece of art is a surprise since the alcohol inks like to do what they want on the Yupo Paper. I drop down the ink then tilt the paper until it forms neat designs.

  3. Hi Colleayn - thanks so much for the information. I've found June's blog and just joined her Facebook alcohol ink group and there is some amazing info there. Thanks again.

  4. and they are beautiful! i'm going to go check out that blog and facebook page as well :)
