
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When Artists Cook- French Fries

Hi Everyone.  I am happy to share that I am part of a blog series called "When Artists Cook".  Each week an artist will share their art which is focused around food, recipes, cooking, and more. This month I am sharing one of my favorite recipes of oven baked french fries.  I could eat these every day!  

(c) Colleayn T. Klaibourne 2012
Mandala of oregano & basil growing in my garden.  
Twinkling H2O watercolors on watercolor paper

This is a peak of some of the paintings, information and recipe I've added.  You'll find the full post at:  To see other great works of art by Dion Dior and other artists in the series please visit:  Dion's work is so vibrant, colorful and happy. I'm sure you'll love her blog as well.

Oven French Fries:

4 large russet potatoes (peeled if you have fructose intolerance)
3 Tbsp. Olive Oil
½ - ¾ tsp. Celtic sea salt
¼ tsp. garlic salt
1/8 tsp. ground cumin
¾ tsp. basil leaves
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
¼ tsp. chili powder

Peel and cut potatoes into strips.  In a large mixing bowl, drizzle potatoes with olive oil and add salt and herbs.  Stir until the potatoes are evenly coated.  Place potatoes on a non-stick cookie sheet that has the lips on each side.  I like to spray the pan first with an olive oil spray.
Bake at 420° for 45-55 minutes, flipping every 15 minutes.  Some days the fries cook faster than other days.
Feel free to modify the salt and herbs to your taste.  I am on a high salt diet, so feel free to cut this back if needed.

I love using herbs from my garden.  The recipe below is with dried herbs, but if you have fresh cut herbs it makes the French fries even better.  

I love dipping them in Mayo seasoned with Salt, Garlic Salt, Italian Seasonings, Basil and Oregano.

Eat often!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Something new is ready to emerge!

I'm on a journey to learn how to draw faces and bodies so I can create Angels and Faeries. 
3 Weeks ago, I didn't even know where to begin to draw a face. Thanks to Jane Davenports Supply Me class, I am on my way.  It is fun to see faces appear with their own personality.  I've always enjoyed drawing and painting, but have steered clear of people.  I'm leaving my comfort zone of Flowers, Celtic Art and Mandalas so I can create more of the magical world all around us. This will add a missing piece to the Art I have in my mind to create. 

Week by week, I learn new ways to add that twinkle to the eye.  

Happy Faces emerge.

I had to take a deep breath as I started painting her with ink and no pencil sketch underneath.  
Step out of your comfort zone.  Magical things are waiting to emerge for you too.